To open Item view, go to menu Master > Item. If you want to create new item, click on New button from toolbar.There are no. of tabs
in the item frame
Info tab contains Item Details.
Name: Enter the name of an Item.
Product Code: Product Code of an item is created by default. However this can be changed.
HSN Code:Enter the HSN( Harmonized System Nomenclature) code of Item.
Unit: Enter the unit of an Item.
Item Group:Select an Item group of an Item. If you want to create new Item Group then press shortcut key Ctrl+Space.
Manufacturer:Select manufacturer(Brand) of the item.If you want to create new Manufacturer then press shortcut key Ctrl+Space.
M.R.P:Enter M.R.P. of the item.
Tax class:Select Tax class from the list which you want .
Purchase Price: Enter the Purchase price of an Item.
Landing Price: Enter the Landing price of an Item.The Landing Price means the total cost of a landed shipment including purchase price, insurance,
and other costs up to the port of destination.
Sale Rate is Based On:Select one option M.R.P or Purchase Price. Then the sale rate is based on any one selected from both.
Selling Price: Enter the selling price of an Item. If you select any option from M.R.P or Purchase Price, the selling price is calculated on selected option.
WholeSale Price: Enter the whole sale price of an item.If you select any option from M.R.P or Purchase Price, then whole sale price is calculated on
selected option.
Retailer Price: Enter the Retailer Price of an Item. If you select any option from M.R.P or Purchase Price, the Retailer Price is calculated on
selected option.
Rate Code: The rate code is generated on landing price.For that first you have to set the rate code. Setup > Configuration > General Setting here
you can set rate code for an Item and the length of Rate code should be 10.
Minimum Stock:Enter the minimum stock availability of an item.
Maximum Stock: Enter the maximum stock availability of an item.
Opening Rate: Enter the opening rate of an item.
Opening Stock: Opening Stock of an item available on the date of creation (if any).
Sale Account:Select the Sale Account Ledger.
Purchase Account:Select the Purchase Account Ledger.
Shelf:Enter the shelf number of the item. To enable or disable shelf field in item, go to Setup > Configuration > Inventory Setting > Click on
check box Enable Shelf Number.
Stock Attribute Group: Select the Stock Attribute Group for an Item.
Item Attribute Group: Select the Item Attribute Group for an Item.
Service: Select any service for an Item or you can create service by pressing Ctrl +Space and click on New Service.
If you want to use Batch Number for an Item you can enable the Use Batch No. option. To enable or disable Batch Number field in item, go to
Setup > Configuration > Inventory Setting > Click on check box Enable Enable Item Batch.
Feature tab contains Item feature.
If you provide any feature to particular Item group, you can see this features in Item Feature tab, when you select that particular item group to an
Child Items
Child Items tab contains Child Item Details. You can gives the child item to an item it means that what you required to make an item this is called
child item. If you checked “Consume Child Item During Sale” box, the child item not consume in production.
Item: Enter the child item name.
Quantity: Enter the Quantity to child item.
Unit:Enter the unit for child item.
Image tab contains Image Details.
You can add the image of an item to click on Add button and delete Image to click on Remove button.
Stock Details
Stock Details tab contains stock detail of an Item.
Opening Stock: Enter the opening stock of an item.
Batch No. Enter the batch no of an item.
Stock Location: Enter the stock location for stock details.
BarCode tab contains BarCode Details of an Item.
If you use barcode for an item, you have to enable the option Enable BarCode Printing. Then You have to select any barcode printing format from
Format menu.
Description tab contains Item Description.
If you want, gives any description to an item, you can give in description tab.
Alternate Unit
Alternate Unit tab contains Alternate Unit Details.
You can use alternate unit for your Item.
Alt. Unit: Enter your alternate unit.
Alt. Unit Factor: Enter the factor of alternate unit. For eg. Alt. unit:Dozen and Alt. Unit Factor:12.
If you enable the field “Use Alternate Unit Rate”, the rate is based on alternate unit rate.
M.R.P:Enter the M.R.P of an item based on alternate unit.
Purchase Price: Enter the purchase price of an item based on alternate unit.
Landing Price: Enter the landing price of an item based on alternate unit.
The following Selling Price, Wholesale Price and Retailer Price is calculated on which option you select of “Sale Rate is Based On” (i.e M.R.P
or Purchase Price) from Info tab
Note:To enable or disable Alternate Unit field in item, go to Setup > Configuration > Inventory Setting > Click on check box Enable
Alternate Units In Item.