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Release Notes

Release 2023-08-19 #

New Features / UI Improvements / Bug Fixes: #
  • Fixed Stock Board Report Bug
  • Fixed issue in Import item excel fix for computer and hardware business
  • Added Manufacturer Wise Stock Summary Print
  • Attribute support in Production/Comsumption Transactions
  • Added feature to Print Barcode / Labels for Every Transaction
  • Improved performance of Online & Offline Sync

Release 2020-06-21 #

New Features / UI Improvements: #
  • Flat Sale Register to enable Pivot Charts in Excel
  • License information now shows registration information
  • Ability to renew AMC online from the software
  • Support to add service in Sale Enquiry
  • Sale invoice print for diagnostic labs
  • Option to create new customer/item from search dialog
Bug Fixes: #
  • Improve performance of Profit Loss and Balance Sheet
  • Tracker fails to delete if configured to use with sale
  • Can’t unset due date for tickets once set
  • Support customer order no in sale order.
  • Duplicate entry import in Bank reconciliation if imported twice.

Release 2020-05-29 #

Bug Fixes: #
  • Opening Stock and Balance does not update on re-export financial year data to new company
  • Auto invoice print after service transaction fails for newly added print formats
  • Order of items of invoice is not same as order of items in day book
  • Converting a challan to sale does not copy Sr No and other attributes of items

Release 2020-05-24 #

New Features / UI Improvements: #
  • While sending email, default email id of company will be automatically populated
  • New Sale Invoice print format with 2 attributes as columns
  • User can change the printer in the print preview dialog
  • Save As Pdf option in print preview dialog
  • Support for CRM mobile app for offline users
Bug Fixes: #
  • Tool -> Sale Bill Print does not work for online company
  • Stock Summary -> Item Group filter and ‘Show Items with Zero Stock’ filter does not work together
  • Alignment issue in day book print
  • KMS Report which is applicable to Grain Agent, also appears in Inventory application
  • Reports does not save to pdf if there are unicode characters in data
  • Apply button does not clear all data in Expenses transaction

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